Effectively Blend Hair Extensions for a Better, More Natural Look
Contrary to what many may be believe, human hair extensions or synthetic hair pieces are not only for those with short hair. The main tip about making these hair extensions look natural on you is by effectively blending the hair extensions seamlessly. It can help make the hair appear thicker and have more volume. Blending extensions isn't difficult and can be mastered with enough practice. Soon enough, with practice, no one would be able to tell apart the natural from the extension.
One good way to blend the extensions is by carefully choosing the correct colored hair piece, along with the proper length. Choosing a hair piece that is of a different color to your natural hair color may achieve a certain look, but if you are going for natural, the extension should be of the same color and shade as your natural hair color, although keep in mind that a difference of up to two shades may still work. The important thing here is to gauge how the base color of both the natural and synthetic blends.
It is far easier to match the extensions when they are of the same length as your natural hair. Some practice and skill in binding the weave is needed - else, the weave could easily look awkward and out of place, defeating the purpose of weaves to achieve a natural look. Short hair pieces are a little trickier to apply and blend flawlessly. The general rule of thumb is to pick extensions that are not too long. However, the long extensions can be blended well together by using layer-blending wefts.
Once the extensions are put in place, it must be cared for and maintained regularly. The extensions must always be combed and blended with the natural hair. Also, the extensions must be washed every six weeks, preferably with a moisture shampoo.
Those who are bored with their hair or simply want to add more volume to the look, should check out reliable retailers of human hair extensions, such as Her Hair Company, to achieve the hairstyle they want. Try experimenting with the different uses and styles of extensions and find a look that you are happy with. Make sure to do regular maintenance on them and treat them as you would your own hair, to avoid the wear and tear of your natural hair, and keep the shine on your weave.
(Source: Tips for blending hair extensions, MyFashionLife, January 5, 2015)