Some Important Hair Extension Care Tips for African-American Women
Some Important Hair Extension Care Tips for African-American
As hair extensions have grown more popular in recent years, many experts have
provided some helpful tips for extending the useful lifespan of these beauty
products. Owners can obtain longer enjoyment from weaves simply by taking
a little extra effort to prevent damage during daily use.
Tip Number One: Don't Panic When
Shedding Occurs
Many women find the loss of strands of hair from weaves very distressing.
Everyone appreciates full, richly-textured hair. Experts advise that occasional
shed hair won't cause problems—in fact, you expect this loss to occur from time
to time.
Tip Number Two: Don't Wash Hair
Extensions After Every Use
Another concern new hair extension owners often share involves washing. Many
beauty authorities notice a tendency on the part of some women to wash hair
extensions too frequently. While these items do require periodic cleaning,
washing them after every use overdoes a good thing. Experienced Brazilian hair weave
owners recommend washing the extension every two to three weeks during regular
Tip Number Three: Avoid Tangles
Avoid unnecessary matting by handling the hair extension gently during travel.
Comb out tangles before storing an extension to prevent long term problems from
developing. In the past, transporting additional hair extensions in suitcases
sometimes caused problems, because hair might become tangled during transit.
Recently, some companies have developed travel storage compartments
specifically designed for human hair extensions. For example, Hair Clutch
produces two evening purses that will store hair extensions correctly in
individual sections.(3)
Tip Number Four: Enjoy!
Remember that the best hair extensions receive frequent use. Well-known hair extension
providers, such as Her Hair Company, Inc., offer a variety of very beautiful
hair extension weaves and lace closures. The closures enable customers to wear
varying hair styles without worrying that roots will show; they help make the
process of using attractive hair extensions effortless and natural. It's a
smart idea when you find some favorite extension styles to keep several on hand
and interchange them from time to time!
(KeKe Palmer Reveals Her Hair Routine and Explains Why She Relaxes Her Hair,