Who are the #LadiesLikeHer and What You Can Expect in 2018
2018 is underway and growth is on the forecast for many e-commerce brands. That is why
Her Hair Company is working on growing its community where likeminded beauty and hair
Enthusiasts can come together as one lady like her.
Inspiration from our customers, influencers, as well as competitors birthed this movement when
The “heart” of Her Hair Company was losing it place and pace. As we have grown and achieved
many accomplishments, we did not spend a lot Of time creating a movement around our customers and fans.
Research has proven customers Trust brands that are like family, brands they can talk to, and have something in common with
Their personal lifestyle. In 2017, the president of Her Hair Company and c-level team
Took a deep dive into the brand and came out on top with a new mission, a
Refreshed vision, and sharpened our core values. Our goal to be an exclusive community in the beauty industry
And to motivate and inspire others made the true manifestations of this campaign come to life.
Our ladies like her are fierce, powerful, amazing, beautiful, innovators, creators and so much more.
Stay tuned as we roll out visual expressions of the #ladieslikeher campaign.